Sunday, November 14, 2010

Keep Shooting

If you watch my videos, you know I always punctuate each one with the phrase; "keep shooting".
If you plan on being a filmmaker, it's the only way to hone the craft.
I just finished a short, in fact very short, piece I planned to enter in the CanonFilmMaker's 30 second film festival.

Well it didn't work out like I intended, I managed only to get the thing down to 40 seconds, and I love to cut.

The idea was to make a parody of a movie released in the last 18 months, so I went after the king of them all, Cameron's Avatar.

Mind you, I haven't seen Avatar, and likely never will, but I wasn't going to let that stop me from poking fun at it and also to pay homage to one of my all time favorite characters; Edmund Blackadder.

So go ahead, spend 40 seconds, and enjoy "Blackadatar"